Meets: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm - Town Hall Meeting Room Members: Dianne Rappa (Chairman), Virginia Holton, Bruce Barnum, Tim Dailey, Bret Austin, Laura Flint
Meetings are open to the public and welcome your visits, concerns, and comments. Master Plan is available at the town office.
Meets: Last Wednesday of the month (bimonthly) at 6:00 pm at the downstairs meeting room Members: Bruce Barnum (Chairman), Judy Tumosa, Linda Michelsen, Andrew Macchione
Zoning Board
Meets: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm as needed in the Town Hall Meeting Room Members: Bernie Prochnik (Chairman), Karl Shallberg, Rob Miles, Robert Boutin, Karen Fesler Public Hearing dates and times are as posted in the Town Hall Foyer, Town Hall and Bridge Weekly